Fried Spelt Couscous With Oyster Mushrooms and Hot-sauce (vegan alkaline)

A very quick recipe that will leave your tastebuds pleased without a doubt! Perfect for the cold and warm seasons, whenever you like to eat it!

Fried spelt couscous with oyster mushrooms and hot sauce 1

Spelt couscous as a great substitute for rice(wild rice)!

The spelt couscous is a very good substitute for the wild rice. I love rice(wild) don’t get me wrong, but the spelt couscous is so easy to prepare!

When I hear the word couscous, the Moroccan kitchen pops up in my mind. But in the past I never thought I would mix my recipes with Couscous until I realized what I could actually do with it. And you only have to leave it in cooked water for less than 5 minutes, How easy is that! it has a very unique taste thus you have to chew less in general, because the size of a couscous grain is approximately 1/3 of a rice grain. 

Before my late night shift as a grocery courier in the past, I always wanted to eat heavy tasty meals, but I always ended preparing my meals at the last moment. This recipe was one of my so called ”quickie” recipe as so to speak. This recipe is very beneficial when it comes to saving time and at the same time, pleasing your taste buds. (most important benefit, right!?) 

The oyster mushrooms are fleshy as usual and make this recipe shine even brighter than it already is.

This cayenne pepper makes it spicey, agave syrups gives it a sweet taste and the Alkaline soy sauce brings an extra salty flavour to it. The coconut aminos is being used as a substitute for soy sauce and it’s doesn’t lack anything when it comes to taste in my opinion. It’s optional, but in my opinion a  tasteful addition. 

You can use the “tomato hotsauce” (one of my other recipes) as a hot sauce on the side of my dish. I grew up eating my fried rices with hot sauce on the side, I couldn’t go without it!

Fried spelt couscous with oyster mushrooms and hot sauce 2


  • 130 grams spelt couscous (Prepare according to the manual of the couscous product)
  • 150 tot 175  grams oystermushrooms (cut in small pieces according to height or strip them off with your hands
  • 1 teaspoon of selfmade bouillon powder, optional (see recipe)
  • ½ red bellpepper chopped in little pieces
  • 1/2 cayennepeoper without the seeds, chopped in pieces
  • 1 red shredded onion
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • ½ teaspoon piment powder
  • piece of fresh ginger (1 cm) chopped in very little pieces
  • 5 tablespoons of grapeseed oil 
  • sea salt the taste
  • 1 tablespoon of agave syrup
  • 2 teaspoons of Coconut Aminos as a substitute for soya sauce/optional
  • a few shredded twigs of parsley

Preperation of the recipe:

  • heat 4 tablespoons of grapeseed oil in a pan (Wokpan), and bake the finely-shredded onions and the ginger for a couple of minutes
  • then place the mushrooms, furthermore while tossing them around bake them (regularly) on a higher temperature until they come a little bit crispy (but not too crispy)
  • when the mushrooms are already shrinking, add the bellpepper and the cayenne pepper while stirring them; and add the rest of the ingredients without the parsley and the Coconut Aminos
  • After 15 to 20 minutes of baking, add 1 tablespoon of oil and add the couscous with the agave syrup; keep stirring while you continue baking a little further.
  • add the parsley with the sea salt (Himalaya)
  • Turn off the stove and then add the Coconut Aminos in the recipe then stir it. And if you want to add a little more Coconut Aminos, you are free to add more!
  • Now enjoy your delicious fried spelt couscous with oyster mushrooms and hotsauce

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