Your #1 Hot hemp milk coffee (caffeine free & vegan alkaline)

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Did you always want to have a real healthy version of coffee with a great taste?

We got the perfect Alkaline hot hemp milk coffee for you guys!

The preparation of this coffee is astoundingly quick and easy; it’s prepared with natural sugars – like medjoul dates – that are coupled with powerful medicinal herbs and of course hemp seeds that will benefit you health-wise.

Origins of the recipe

In my own health journey, I discovered the physical and spiritual benefits of cleansing in general (juice fasting, water fasting, fruit fasting, raw food diet etc.). In the winter times, I tried to find the right balance between comfort and discipline so I could enjoy the cleansing process while still getting all the benefits.

So I created a lot of recipes like this hot hemp milk coffee recipe, that made me much more comfortable during the winter times.

I wanted to keep my diet as liquid as possible to get energetically clearer and become closer to myself. So I started to experiment with different herbs, and combined these herbs with hemp seed milk and up to this day I reap and enjoy the benefits of them.

Aside from making a hot beverage of the hemp milk coffee, it is also possible to make a cold/iced version of the hemp milk making it perfect for the summertime!

Why hemp milk?

While the plant hemp is usually associated with cannabis or marijuana, its hemp milk is not psychoactive, therefore it is safe and applicable in any situation.

The hemp milk has numerous fullfilling elements, some of them being that:


  • One litre of distilled/alkaline or spring water
  • Six table spoons of hemp seeds
  • Three grams of fresh ginger
  • Two-three medjoul dates
  • (Optional but recommended) Two table spoons of prepared Irish sea moss gel or otherwise called Chrondus Chrispus
  • Three grams of bladderwreck
  • One tea spoon of reishi powder
  • Two cardamom pods
  • Two tea spoons of cacao powder
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Preparation of the hemp milk coffee

Use the following steps to help prepare your own hemp milk coffee:

Step 1: Grab around 1 liters of distilled, alkaline or spring water and boil it.

Step 2: Gather all the dry ingredients (medicinal herbs and hemp seeds) and blend it with the boiled water.

Step 3: Put it through the blender twice so it’s well-prepared for the next stage.

Step 4: Use a bowl and strain the ingredients with a nutbag milk strainer until it becomes a thin liquid without chunks.

Step 5: Put the mixture into a jar and store it in the refrigerator. You can also consume it right away.

Step 6: Enjoy your hemp milk coffee as the sweetest delight out of heaven!

Our ebook

You can find these other hemp milk recipes in our ebook, available here. In this ebook you can also find the benefits of all the medicinal herbs that have been applied in the recipes, complete with references of scientific studies that show proof of the benefits of the medicinal herbs.

This ebook is more than just collection of recipes – some of which have been depicted on this website. It is a great tool that people can use to tap deeper into their truer nature of themselves, so they are able of possibly becoming one with themselves in the near future.